

Être bilingue, c'est gagnant!

Our Mission

At Gardenview, our mission is to provide a meaningful, challenging learning experience in a warm and positive environment, in which students can reach their full potential while acquiring the tools to be successful in a bilingual society.
À Gardenview, notre mission est d'offrir un environnement chaleureux et positif, propice à l'apprentissage sérieux et stimulant, dans lequel les élèves peuvent donner toute leur mesure en acquérant les outils nécessaires pour réussir dans une société bilingue.
GardenView Open House
GardenView Open House 2024

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What programs does Gardenview School offer?

Our instructional team of 49 professionals develop school-wide projects that cultivate interest and motivation in both languages using a variety of strategies. These include project-based learning activities, visits by authors and storytellers and occasional visits from high profile personalities who inspire our students on the merits of school.

The art of public speaking is developed annually and the skills acquired are reinforced throughout the year through the use of class presentations, exhibits and role play in Drama.

Our Curriculum is comprised of programmes in English and French Language Arts, Mathematics, Natural Science, History/Geography/Citizenship, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Physical Education and Health, Religion and Ethics as well as Computer Technology.

